That's right, Steady Blogging is ready to break out a new feature and here. it. is!
The Dirty Dozen
The Dirty Dozen is based on reader participation--but it's not just readers of Steady Blogging... It's also the readers of Tim Fitzgerald's! The Dirty Dozen are those posters that are irritating little ... well this is a family site, so let's just say that The Dirty Dozen are those posters on Fitz's site that get under my skin, and the skin of most other people and make me want to claw their eyes out and hang them from their testicles. Unlike ESPN and the AP, I waited until halfway through the 2008 football season to release the first installment of The Dirty Dozen. You want to know who votes for The Dirty Dozen? Too bad. I ain't tellin'. It's privileged, so piss off.
12. Mobcat-An expert breaking down film, he is able to tell us who grabbed whose ass on a moment's notice. He is able to tell from watching a three second video clip that our defense can't execute and has the attitude of Cinderella at the ball. I mean he DID play JV 2A football in Kansas, so he IS an expert.
11. Crusader_Cat-He acknowleges that he has hated Ron Prince since his days at Virginia, and he is more than willing to take the slings and arrows for rooting against Prince, and as KSU loses wallowing in it like a pig in slop. But hey, what do you expect from a racist KU fan who has a crappy profession?
10. WeirdRobertJr-has spent the last several day on Aggie boards rooting for Kansas State to lose. Somehow or another, I think the real Weird Robert would kick him square in the nuts.
09. MikeAhearn-He recognizes that Prince isn't arrogant--he's insecure. Of course MikeAhearn is arrogant--or maybe he just has a little willie and is insecure about that. Yep, it's Prince's insecurity, that's why he brought in a bunch of coaches that had little experience. Hmmm. I guess Bill Snyder was pretty insecure too.
08. ManhattanMomma-Momma crawled out of the woodwork and is so insane, she even pisses off the rest of The Dirty Dozen. Another insider into the hidden mechanisms of Vanier, Momma is willing to do anything to gain a little prestige. Of course, there will be a storming of the Bastille, er Vanier, to put Bill Snyder back in charge, sometime around 2:30 on Sunday.
07. steffy08-steffy is rooting for Kansas State to lose. Somehow, he/she/it thinks that if Kansas State loses enough, then things will be better tomorrow. That's a true fan! Let's not try and get better now! Steffy's crystal ball says Ron Prince is an utter failure and is destined to lose. Or maybe it was the Tarot cards. Whatever.
06. WILDCATNATION-breaks down film like no other! He has solutions for all the problems in Kansas State's athletic department, as he is evidently a mensa member regarding baseball, basketball, football, and naked chess. I don't know what that means exactly, but I know that NATION always has an opinion and hasn't been wrong yet. Oooooh, I think he left nut was taken out by a rogue bishop.
05. wildcat_strike-convinced that Texas A&M will run roughshod over us, Wildcat_Strike is salivating at the prospect of a Wildcat loss. In the past few weeks, Strike has taken to rooting for the opposition, hoping against hope that they will succeed. He's an exceptional fan and one that we can only hope to aspire to be. Now, he's all for an amped up student section storming the field after a loss to Oklahoma and taking Coach Prince and stringing him up in front of Anderson Hall.
04. HeavyD-Busting out the Stan Parrish whooping stick, HeavyD has Prince unable to carry the Parrish jockstrap. Of course, our dear friend Stan was unable to beat the lowliest of foes, much less the powerhouses of the Big 8. But hey, every person needs their benchmark, and HeavyD loves him Stan Parrish.
03. Wild Purple-known primarily for his cyber-stalking ability, Wild Purple has absolutely no clue how the world works. Instead, he/she/it is ruled by mob mentality, sychophantically repeating his mantra that he insists Prince be fired RIGHT NOW. No matter that there is a game in roughly 15 hours.
02. TerryWGDDS-uber-insider (he alleges inside connections--the only inside connections he has are to terry cloths after mental masturbation) Terry the Dentist is known more for his three boobed signature photograph and any real contribution to Wabash Station. However, he gets pretty pissed off when you give his threads one star. Go for it!
01. cjh-just the man who knows who to blame, and cjh evidently knows Ron Prince is responsible for the failings of every defensive player, every coaching mistake, Mike Beasley going pro after his frosh season, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and the economic recession. Throw in some locusts and drout, and that's how cjh projects Coach Prince. And oh by the way, the coaches--they are automatrons serving every need of Prince. You think Coach Snyder was a control freak--cjh let's us know that players dress right or dress left at the whim of Prince.
Also receiving votes: pcatgrowl, OkieCatFan, soontirfel, mywillieispurple, scoopeloo, ksu1, Oldefella, Fitz, TnCat, NebraskaCat, acb463, MCthe_Cat
The Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award/Honorable Mention goes to wichita_cat, who was placed in 24 hour time out for no apparent reason, other than the fact he was not trying to engage in Lynch Mob tactics on Head Coach Ron Prince.
Friday, October 10, 2008
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What a total A$$hole!!
Thanks for visiting Steady Blogging! I would heartily suggest you visit, and you to can join The Dirty Dozen!
That's just about right
No posts since Wednesday???;-(
I was drawn to the site by the link at Wabash Station to the dirty dozen.
Great blog and that was a great post and we need more posts and another dirty dozen!
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